Where’s Leah?  In Ohio and All over!

North Carolina Integrated Medicine  Where’s Leah?  In Ohio and All over! IMG 2181Since completing the telesummit, I have been traveling quite a bit. Here is a quick summary of what’s been happening!

A Keynote Speaker at a Medical Conference

This was one of the high-points of my career!  I was one of the keynote speakers at the Southeast Regional Integrative Medical Conference 2016.  It was held March 4-5, 2016 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA.

I have officially gone from doctors telling me “it’s all in your head” to “thank you for your presentation” !!  I presented to them the methods I used to recover from fibromyalgia and its coexisting conditions, how they can implement it with their patients, and the stories about how others have recovered using this method too.  

Honestly, I was a bit nervous about how my talk would be received, but these medical professionals were so gracious and open to learning new information.  I actually went to the other classes for my own education.  There was fantastic information there.

I unveiled my brand new Freedom from Fibromyalgia Professional Certification Course.  Soon we will have listings of medical professionals all over that can partner with the members of our community.


Since I live in Ohio, you would think I speak there a lot.  I actually present all over the country, but in April I have an unprecedented three speaking appearances in Ohio.  

The first one was near Cincinnati, The Younique Wellness Expo on Saturday, April 2.  My topic was 3D Healing.

The next one I did was near Lima, and it’s the Allen County Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter.  It was on Monday, April 11.  I love presenting to WAPF chapters!

The third one is a bit different for me – I will be doing a marketing talk to aspiring authors at The Dayton Book Expo on Saturday, April 30th, (time to be announced).  I will be part of a panel of authors that have self-published their books.  The admission is free and will be held at Sinclair Community College in Dayton.

Free Support

I am part of two fibromyalgia support groups that meet in Ohio.  I attend every other month to the Cincinnati or Dayton Fibro Fighters.  If you are interested check it out on http://www.meetup.com/Cincinnati-Fibro-Fighters/ or http://www.meetup.com/cincinnati-Dayton-Fibro-Fighters/ .

If you are not able to make it to our in-person support groups I invite you to join our secret FaceBook Group, The Hope Army.  To join send an email to leah@thefibrolady.com, subject The Hope Army, and include the email address you use to log into FaceBook.  An invitation link will be sent to you.  Once you join, please introduce yourself to the group and let us welcome you!

Big Announcement – Everywhere!

On the heels of The Healing Fibromyalgia – Chronic Fatigue – ME World TeleSummit I am pleased to announce the start of a group class called the 3D Fibro Healing TeleClass.  

The first class is FREE and we will have 5 calls total, consisting of information and Q&A time.  This is a fantastic opportunity to go through the Freedom from Fibromyalgia 7 Steps to Complete Recovery with me holding your hand all along the way.

We will have the first class on Thursday, April 21st at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time (4:00 p.m. Pacific) and then the other classes will go over a period of 7 weeks.  This gives you the opportunity to see your results over time and to ASK, ASK, ASK questions about your specific situation.  Everyone will learn from each other!

To receive notifications about this exciting new class, go to www.3DFibro.com/signup and sign up with your name and email address. As a thank you for signing up, you will receive my NEW special report “Natural Ways to Reduce and Even Eliminate Fibromyalgia Pain.”  

If you know of or have a group that would like an inspirational, informative and engaging speaker, feel free to contact me at Leah@TheFibroLady.com.

Well, that’s about it for now!  Keep up to date on all my happenings on the Where’s Leah tab on my website and stay in touch with me on FaceBook, Twitter, and, YouTube.

Yours in joy and health,


The Fibro Lady

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